Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First Cycle of Weightlifting is Complete

We divided our guys into teams to try to motivate them in the weight room this fall. We got maxes from 3 lifts (bench, squat and incline bench) and through the first cycle the team that improved the most consisted of the following: Travis Johnston, Brent Basham, Corey Travis and Tyler Hill. This team's total weight increased 270 pounds through the first cycle. The winners will be rewarded with a day off from conditioning. The team results are below with individual results by the names.

Team 1 increased 230 pounds.
Bennett Skaggs +45
Dylan Snyder +55
Ryan Grubs +60
Devin Vanmeter +70

Team 2 increased 220 pounds.
Wes Smith +45
Daniel Buckles +65
Evand Donald +55
Ethan Meredith +55

Team 3 increased 270 pounds and were the winners of the first cycle.
Travis Johnston +70
Brent Basham +75
Corey Travis +50
Tyler Hill +75

Team 4 increased 260 pounds (only the top 4 increases from the lifts counted).
Lance Buckler +50
Tyler Saltsman +50
Jakob Clemons +70
Billy Clemons +75
Tyler Downs +35

Team 5 increased 210 pounds (only the top 4 increases from the lifts counted).
Rance Whobrey +45
Trey Tinsley +45
Ryan Tinsley +30
Braxton Williams +50
Ethan Saltsman +60